Stirred Anointing; Shared Blessing

‘Stirred Anointing; Shared Blessing’ by Nanci Stoeffler

On a Sunday morning in 2016, my fellow artist-friend Daniel Sulewsky stopped me at church and said, “You need to create. No more excuses. You have an anointing.” It was a powerful moment as I experienced an electricity come through me.

As I left church that day contemplating what took place, I became incredibly grateful he took the time to listen to the Lord which led him to encourage me in such a direct and blunt way. I then realized it had indeed been months since I had painted; not necessarily from excuses but more from the “to do lists of life” (perhaps that is an excuse too…). I felt inspired from Daniel’s word and I went straight home and began painting. As I did, I felt the anointing of God stirred up and released from within me. As I was creating, the words “stirred anointing, shared blessing” kept coming to mind.

This is the painting I created that day.

As followers of Christ, Father God intends us to be in community together in such a way as to encourage and inspire each other, to stir up the anointing and gifts the Lord has deposited within in each of us. As this happens, we then pour out and share these blessings with others. Thank you, brother Daniel, for your faithfulness in stepping out to encourage me in this way!

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,” (Hebrews 10:24a)

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